Saturday, October 02, 2004

Life is fun! It really is. Today has been declared unproductive day! AND I LOVE IT! Seems to be all around the hall. I woke up around 11. Matt and I decided to start The Prince and Me (one of my new purchases). Well, we didn't make it very far into it when EM and AMY stopped by! YEA!! So we all talked and played, then Matt left. Amy and Em and I talked some more then got a call that Em got a package (I knew she was going to). Lo and Behold, Em got her rose she whined about 3 nights before to Matt. Haha... so fun to make people smile.
Matt and I are going out to eat tonight. THat's exciting. I don' t really know where, but I'll figure that out. Oh yeah, and I still have to work on writing my (putting touches on) my speech for tomorrow at church. I feel like a slacker, but seriously... I'll get it done if it means staying up all day and night!
Yesterday Matt and I went to GB and hung out with the family. It was fun! Yea...well... Time to go write a certain speech! Later!

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