Thursday, May 19, 2005


Wow, what a long day! I spent the day (from 11-7) doing checkout in the hall. I didn't even come to my room at all!! So many checkouts! My nose is full dust! It's amazing what some people think is clean!! Argh! I am so tired. However.. I am going to take a bunch out to my car now. I feel productive..and that way it's less for mom and I to do tomorrow. I am on checkout duty from 11-1 and 3-4 tomorrow. NO FUN! Oh well... a girl's gotta do what she's gotta do!!
IT's hard to say goodbyes...Yesterday was really hard saying goodbye to Amy and Bri and Em and Meghan. Saturday will be tough too saying goodbye to staff.
Mom's suppose to be here before 11 tomorrow so that will be good. I hope she doesn't mind helping me clean up this room! I at least got it back to normal arrangement. That took some considerable effort!!!
Okay. Time to take stuff out to my car!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My name is Elijah and I just wanted to tell you I love the Lord to and do what God wants you to do. I'm 13