Thursday, August 12, 2004


Why can everything be so confusing? And why don't I ever have patience. I couldn't wait to get home from Daytona to be home and now all I want to do is either go back or go to school. I'm so antsy. Maybe a big part of it is that I have no job for these 9 days and it's driving me nuts...but it's not like I don't have other things to get done... i just enjoy putting them off I guess. I don't know... the worst part is I'm afraid i'm going to get to school and then be antsy for something else. I need to learn to live in this moment and be thankful for THIS moment. I feel so back and forth right now. I know some would say i'm being "attacked" since I'm back home..but i feel like I'm attacking myself...i'm beating myself up and I just wont stop. Talk about annoying.
Also my sound on my computer is not working. I've checked cables, mutes ect...and I can't get it to work...or my front USB ports...since Darren couldn't figure out Dell's motherboard now i'm without those too...and now without Darren to fix stuff that I have no idea where things are in my computer...GRRR....
What i need to do right now is go pray and spend time with the awesome God i live to serve.... and realize that none of this life is about me and surrender it to Him. So since I've came to this conclusion...I think that is exactly what I will do. Good bye!

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